Declaration of Independence: Are All Men Created Equal?, Links to CWR Magazine - Summer Articles, Why We..

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Red Letter Christians   Remove
by Mark Charles, 9 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
  "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among .. Read More →
Christianity Without the Religion   Remove
by Brad Jersak, 8 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Links to the summer issue of CWR magazine:Greg Albrecht: Whose Image is on the Coin? The Unholy Alliance of Religion and PoliticsKevin Miller: Why We Love the .. Read More →
by Brad Jersak, 9 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Zombies! They're everywhere, which is precisely the problem with these undead ghouls. Once one of them shows up, more of them are bound to follow, lurching out.. Read More →
by Brad Jersak, 9 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.  For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one a.. Read More →
O' death, where is thy sting?   Remove
by /u/davidbraswell, 2 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
The link, which contains a link of its own (which also has a few links in it) is here: submitt.. Read More →
by /u/stringles, 2 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Not looking for debates or anything, just wondering what the soul is! submitted by /u/stringles [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/CthulhuDawn, 2 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
"Fretting means getting ourselves "out of joint" mentally or spiritually. It is one thing to say, "Do not fret," but something very different to have such a na.. Read More →
by /u/Philadelphia_Flyera, 2 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
I guess I'll just get right into it; I have never been a very religious person. Growing up, my family never really went to church, although I've had the yearni.. Read More →
by /u/WalkingHumble, 2 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
submitted by /u/WalkingHumble [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/motoxfan321, 2 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
submitted by /u/motoxfan321 [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/IN980, 4 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Should I feel guilty for not liking, nor attending, "small groups" at church? I'm a male in my twenties and I find "small groups" rather awkward. On the other .. Read More →
by /u/vujalikewoah, 4 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
So I wanted to reach out and actually talk through this with some people. I am a 34 year old former pastor, minister and have been regularly attending church u.. Read More →
by /u/BillWeld, 4 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
submitted by /u/BillWeld [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/culture923, 4 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
My mother toyed with a Ouija Board when she was my age (15). She has it all behind her and is now a devout Christian living a God pleasing life. I myself am a .. Read More →
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