How do you live well when the life you’re living isn’t the one you expected?, Robert Conner,..

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21 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
There are bible verses that we hear so often they begin to sound more like a cliché's then promises that can change how we face everything. Read More →
Debunking Christianity   Remove
by John Loftus, 14 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Robert Conner studied Greek, Hebrew, some Aramaic and even Coptic back in the mid-70's at Western Kentucky University. He's written nine books, including Jesus.. Read More →
by John Loftus, 14 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
In neuroscience, few single discoveries have the ability to stay news for long. However, in the aggregate, all lead to the emergence of perhaps the greatest de.. Read More →
O' death, where is thy sting?   Remove
by /u/rjoey24, 21 mins ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
submitted by /u/rjoey24 [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/AcousticNike, 21 mins ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
I want the truth. I do. But I was not there to see Jesus perform miracles. I was not there when the Red Sea parted, why should I believe it happened? Or that J.. Read More →
by /u/goodnewsjimdotcom, 21 mins ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
I recently got asked to debunk some skeptic website. Apparently it had thousands of someone's problem with scripture, yet it probably had nothing positive to s.. Read More →
by /u/OhioTry, 21 mins ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
submitted by /u/OhioTry [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/goodnewsjimdotcom, 21 mins ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Everyone knows Isaiah 53. In it 700 years before Jesus' life, death and ressurection, he was predicted to suffer and die for the sins of us. Lets examine Isaia.. Read More →
by /u/Meatiestpuppet, 21 mins ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
I think you meant to say Roman Catholics. Disregard if I am wrong though lol. submitted by /u/Meatiestpuppet [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/samblam, 21 mins ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Recently found out about Our Lady of Fatima and Guadalupe. I was blown away by how well the artifact of Guadalupe stood up to Scientific research. I just heard.. Read More →
by /u/sharechrist, 3 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NIV) Love is... not self-seeking Jesus did not consider the place he had with the father as something to be held onto, rather he chose to.. Read More →
by /u/Lanlosa, 3 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
The Pentecost banner just reminded me that we're having a Pentecost vigil service... that I'm now missing. :( submitted by /u/Lanlosa [visit reddit] [comments].. Read More →
by /u/john_lollard, 3 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
submitted by /u/john_lollard [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/Djerid, 3 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
kay, so several hours ago this was posted by /u/East_Threadly: Read More →
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