What’s Behind Donald Trump’s Response to Global Warming, Please consider taking part in a research..

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by Mark Charles, 12 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
  In the past year Donald Trump has proposed the building of two different walls. The nation is well versed on the first wall. It's a big one, along our southe.. Read More →
Thinking Christian   Remove
by Tom Gilson, 12 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
I received this email a short while ago: I am a Masters student of applied psychology in my final year of a two-year MSc course here in Dublin Business School .. Read More →
by Tom Gilson, 19 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Ah, the joy of sticking your nose into other people's conversations! On my Critical Conversations book web page I set up a Q&A page. It's a book for Christ.. Read More →
iBelieve.com   Remove
6 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
God won't lead you where His grace won't keep you. Read More →
10 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Because it's not about demonstration from His Power, It's about transformation from His power. Read More →
15 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Do you feel in a bad mood again? Is it another day of things going wrong? I understand. We all have those days. Find hope. Read More →
O' death, where is thy sting?   Remove
by /u/AmoebaMan, 2 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
The 2015 Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich, and Aziz Sancar for mechanical studies of DNA repair. I encountered this here, w.. Read More →
by /u/The_liberator101, 2 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Jesus, son of God and the arguments. http://paxexsistovos.blogspot.com/2012/01/tacitus-suetonius-pliny-younger.html Flavious Josephus antiquities of the Jews J.. Read More →
by /u/anon0805, 2 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Hey recently I´ve been caught up with this idea that I am not saved, and I am constantly being bombarded on the internet that i need to repent to get saved, to.. Read More →
by /u/jackravenmask, 3 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Hey, so I am new to this subreddit. I just found it today, but I already love it. So, I'll just get right to it. So every week I have this pattern. Monday: I d.. Read More →
by /u/The_liberator101, 3 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
The dead sea scrolls 350 BC-100 A.D. http://www.deadseascrolls.org.il/ Crosby-Schøyen Codex. http://www.historyofinformation.com/expanded.php?id=2794 7Q5-7q10 .. Read More →
by /u/NicolaRamberta, 3 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
I'm a Christian who believes in all of these things. Do you? submitted by /u/NicolaRamberta [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/mac-ttia, 3 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
submitted by /u/mac-ttia [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/doug_webber, 5 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
submitted by /u/doug_webber [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
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Albert Mohler's weblog provides a Christian analysis of critical issues as they break throughout the.. 

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