Bono Apologises for the Apple Fiasco

"People are still upset about that free U2 album that forced itself onto everyone's phones and iPods a few weeks ago. So when these Irish lads hosted a Facebook Q&A session yesterday, the topic of Songs of Innocence was undoubtedly brought up. A fan asked: "Can you please never release an album on iTunes that automatically downloads to peoples playlists ever again? It's really rude." Bono apologized for the fiasco, and explained that the band had a vision but got too carried away with it and basically failed in execution:

"Oops. I'm sorry about that. I had this beautiful idea and we got carried away with ourselves. Artists are prone to that kind of thing. Drop of megalomania, touch of generosity, dash of self-promotion, and deep fear that these songs that we poured our life into over the last few years mightn't be heard. There's a lot of noise out there. I guess we got a little noisy ourselves to get through it."

Well, we appreciate the apology, Bono."

Source: myspace
myspace - miApples

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