HAPPENING - '#MyNameIs' Campaign Battles Facebook Rule Against Alternate Names

A new #hashtag campaign is protesting Facebook’s rule that members must use their birth names in profile pages.

Created by Unkle Mikeythe #MyNameIs graphic above reveals just some of the reasons users might need to keep their identity private.

“It’s MORE than ‘just’ drag queens or Sisters or LGBT activists” hurt by the rule, wrote James Longacre, a.k.a. drag performer Sister Sparkle Plenty, who posted the graphic on his wall. “It’s doctors, lawyers, school teachers, therapists, abuse survivors, police officers, fire fighters. it’s just about everyone.”

Facebook has been cracking down on its name policy, sending notices to hundreds of drag queens that they would either have to revert to their birth names on their personal pages, switch to a fan page, or see their profiles deactivated.

Opponents say the rule has been unfairly enforced to penalize drag performers, and would also impact trans people who don’t use their birth name, and users who keep their names off Facebook for safety reasons. A rally outside San Francisco City Hall has been set for October 2.

Commenters on Longacre’s page shared their own justifications for opposing the rule: “Because my stalker showed up at my front door after I had moved to a different country,” wrote one.

Another commented, “[Because] I’m a member of a minority religion and I could lose my job if the people I work with find out.”

Graphic: Unkle Mikey

SOURCE: Alexander Stevenson

More on this as it becomes available to us.

- miApples -

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