Should Women Leave the Church to be Heard? - [Guest Post], The Question You Need to Ask God When Dealing..

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by UMJeremy, 10 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
[Guest Post]A guest post  reflecting on the recent popular article about women leaving the church and what that means to her as a theologically-educated layper.. Read More →   Remove
10 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Often, dealing with anxiety means seeking hope through one important question... Read More →
14 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
I grasp the black handle of the tea kettle, turn to the sink behind me and fill it with water. Put on the lid and turn back to the stove. Place the kettle upon.. Read More →
Christianity Today Magazine   Remove
5 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Instructions for publishers. Each year, Christianity Today honors outstanding books of special interest to the Christian community. In the January/February 201.. Read More →
by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, 8 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Take this quiz of Christian trivia faced by converts from Islam seeking asylum in the UK. What color is the cover of the Bible? How many books are in the Bible.. Read More →
by Dawn Araujo-Hawkins, 13 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Exploring the relentless tradition of arson in the US. "Mother dear, may I go downtown Instead of out to play, And march the streets of Birmingham In a Freedom.. Read More →
by Melanie Springer Mock, guest writer, 13 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Our zealous policing of gender norms can have unintended and hurtful consequences. The first time I was kicked out of a women's restroom, I was ten years old. .. Read More →
by Ed Stetzer, 15 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Calling Churches to Prayer on July 10, 2016 Will your church participate in Pray Together Sunday and commit to a time of prayer in your worship service on July.. Read More →
O' death, where is thy sting?   Remove
by /u/ChurchAdmininstrator, 47 mins ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
3 weeks ago I started a new job as a Church Admin. The church is very small, maybe 40-50 people attend per week-if they are lucky. The office is unorganized an.. Read More →
by /u/Sapphira45, 47 mins ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
So, in talking abut it, we've figured out that what I thought was bipolar disorder is actually a mood disorder brought on by a hormone imbalance known as Preme.. Read More →
by /u/glorytochrist, 47 mins ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
I am curious to know if other Christians in this sub regularly experience the holy spirit in a physical way. If so, what is it like for you? I am curious becau.. Read More →
by /u/pm_me_yr_succulents, 3 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Things are.. Read More →
by /u/CodaCobra, 3 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
*Hell not help If anyone has the time, I would appreciate some uplifting verses or just some personal experiences about just about everything in life going to .. Read More →
by /u/Akkadi_Namsaru, 4 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
submitted by /u/Akkadi_Namsaru [visit reddit] [comments] .. Read More →
by /u/pouponstoops, 4 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
What do we know about the use of the cross in the early (1st and 2nd century) Christianity? I'm more concerned with it's use as a symbol of the faith (inclusio.. Read More →
by /u/walkingstethoscopes, 4 hours ago  .  Save  .  Twitter  .  Facebook
Relatively new Christian here (although I've been exposed to the faith for a long time). I read Psalm 15:1-4 last night... And verse 4 has left me scratching m.. Read More →
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