iPhone 6 Plus .. TO Zoom or NOT TO Zoom

Horizontal Home Screen view without Zoom 

Horizontal Home Screen view with Zoom
(no Home Screen Horizontal Option)

After 9 days of playing with our 6+ we now realize that the above is the case of the Home Screen view in Horizontal v Non-Horizontal.

All Apps with Horizontal Capabilities including Safari etc seem not to be affected by the Zoom v Non-Zoom set up (at time of posting).


Open Tabs


Google+ Pics

Google+ Profile 

Google+ Pics

.. Tap 'Display & Brightness' .. 
(Set up Screenies below)

.. Tap 'View' to choose Zoomed or Standard View .. 

* To view your Screen Options 
.. Just slide your finger from right to left on iPhone .. 
(See the Example Pics below)







Choose your View Style 
.. once decided to ZOOM or view in STANDARD .. 

.. Tap 'Set' ..
(in the right hand upper corner of screen) 

.. Tap 'Use Zoomed' or 'Use Standard' ..  
(at the bottom of screen) 

* Now your iPhone/iPhone screen will do a 10-20 second mini-reboot.

Now and your set to go! 

Enjoy these
iPhone 6 Plus Screenies below .. 

.. Horizontal in Standard View .. 

.. Horizontal in 'Zoomed View' not available .. 
(see here & below)

.. Horizontal & Standard View not available in Lock Screen .. 
(see here below)

.. Tumblr Horizontal in Standard View .. 

.. Tumblr Horizontal in 'Zoomed View' not available .. 

.. YouTube Horizontal in Standard View ..  

.. Linkedin Horizontal in Standard View .. 

.. StumbleUpon Horizontal in Standard View ..  

.. Facebook Page Horizontal in Standard View ..  

.. Double 'TOUCH' .. NOT Double 'TAP' .. 
to lower apps to bottom of screen for ease of use on large iPhone 6 Plus Screen

To return to 'Normal' App view
.. 'TAP' Home Button .. 

Now go ENJOY YOU'RE iPhone 6 Plus!

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